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There are many businesses in Australia that are trying to embrace digital transformation. I believe that the pandemic and the whole work from home situation acted as a wakeup call as well as a catalyst for most of the organisations. The entrepreneurs have realised that to survive competition and disruptions, digital enablement is necessary. Businesses have started to understand that they need to be flexible, keep optimising their processes and introduce innovative solutions to stay relevant in the market. All these goals seem to be farfetched, if corporates rely on the traditional apps (applications). They need to accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure or any other cloud platform to embrace growth and digitalisation.

Also, transformation is not a destination it is a journey. And companies having legacy applications at the core are at more risks of cyber security breaches and compatibility issues with the advanced platforms. Application modernisation supports the entire business transformation process and builds a bridge between the existing applications and new cloud technologies. You can trust us to accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure for your business as we understand the nitty-gritties of Microsoft’s public cloud and house a team of experienced and knowledgeable developers.

A List of Challenges that Modern Businesses are Fraught With

Digital transformation is undoubtedly the most sought-after technology investment, but it also presents a host of problems and challenges. There is constant pressure on businesses to digitalise physical offerings, release innovations and enhance efficiencies. The digital disruption can pose a threat and businesses are arming themselves with advanced technologies to evolve at a good pace and tackle the challenges. Here, I am listing down some more concerns faced by the organisations and how app modernisation is the ideal solution for these.

  • Increasing Customer Expectations

The businesses are under immense pressure to deliver quick consistent and personalised customer experiences, as the customers are more likely to shift their loyalties if their concerns are not answered accurately and quickly.

  • Access to Abundant Data 

The connected applications are a treasure trove of data. Businesses need to master the art of handling and analysing information to take data driven decisions.

  • Security Breaches

The increased amount of data is coupled with the responsibility of managing its confidentiality. Also, several laws are released by the government that forces the organisations to ensure compliance.

  • Inclusion of Cloud in the Business Ecosystem

The businesses are required to redesign their workload strategies to make it compatible with the cloud investments. Also, the traditional applications are risky and expensive to rewrite. Therefore, it becomes essential for organisations to find a mid-way here.

It is imperative for businesses to start modernising their apps, but they need to do the same within the limited budget. The solution here is to find a flexible approach that suits the needs of every application of a business’ ecosystem. If organisations accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure, then they can leverage a host of benefits. Read the article further to understand the benefits of the same in detail.

Why You Need to Accelerate App Modernisation with Microsoft Azure  

The above-mentioned challenges certainly require businesses to take steps and transition from legacy applications to the modernised ones. The market certainly is flooded with modernisation options such as containers, microservices, agile development processes and more. But there are a few reasons why I advocate to keep Microsoft Azure at the center of any business’ application modernisation strategy. To know why you need to accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure, keep reading – 

  • Optimised and Streamlined Operations

The businesses are under immense pressure to deliver quick consistent and personalised customer experiences, as the customers are more likely to shift their loyalties if their concerns are not answered accurately and quickly. The organisations can leverage from Microsoft Azure’s scalability attribute and size up and down according to their requirements. With Azure, the developers can add on-demand resources at the ease of a few clicks without bringing a halt to the existing on-going operations. The integrated analytics, an inherent capability of Microsoft Azure, enables businesses to understand adaptability of the applications and resolve problems if there are any.

  • Shorter Time to Market

Microsoft Azure offers PaaS (Platform as a Service) and serverless architecture that allows the developers to make changes to the applications in a short time and suit their customers’ preferences. The organisations can analyse the features that are most used by the customers and use the same information to design any application’s development roadmap.

  • Enhanced Decision-Making Capabilities

The increased amount of data is coupled with the responsibility of managing its confidentiality. Also, several laws are released by the government that forces the organisations to ensure compliance. When organisations choose to accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure, they get access to various methods of developing an intuitive and efficient system. Azure supports hypothesis driven development and allow developers to reiterate their logic in different workflows and deliver innovations.

  • Increased Value Delivery

The businesses are required to redesign their workload strategies to make it compatible with the cloud investments. Also, the traditional applications are risky and expensive to rewrite. Therefore, it becomes essential for organisations to find a mid-way here. As mentioned above, Microsoft Azure offers several components such as microservices and containers to let developers tailor independent applications that are easily scalable. These futuristic applications will be most used by the customers and are a safe playground as developers can modify it quickly without any hassles.

How Exigo Tech Enables you to Accelerate App Modernisation with Microsoft Azure

Applications certainly form the heart of any business. There is no shadow of doubt in the fact that regular operations will come to a standstill if any of the applications stop functioning. Therefore, you need to trust no other than experienced consultants and Microsoft Solutions Partners like us when it comes to making any changes in your application environment. With our phased and well-crafted approach, you are able to move your applications to the cloud and introduce agility, flexibility and scalability in your business. Take a look at the image to understand the areas in which Exigo Tech empowers you to make the right decisions.

Accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure – Exigo Tech

Accelerate App Modernisation with Microsoft Azure and Exigo Tech to Optimise Returns on Your Cloud Investment

Exigo Tech in partnership with Microsoft offers a host of solutions and services that allows businesses of every size and niche to digitally transform their processes. We have knowledge, product expertise, industry experience and processes in place to ensure that you are able to realise the exact value of your technology investments. We help you accelerate app modernisation with Microsoft Azure and enable you to leverage several business benefits today and build a road enroute to growth and development tomorrow. To get an expert to methodically assess your IT environment and suggest feasible app modernisation solutions, call 1300 EXIGOTECH (394 468) or email at .


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